Safeguarding is the process of protecting children from maltreatment, preventing impairment of health and development and that they have safe and effective care for optimum life chances, thus promoting the welfare of children. Each club with young members (U18)appoint a Childrens Officer & a Designated Liasion Person. LCC Childrens Officer: Jonathan Walshe, phone Number: 0868167044 LCC Designated…
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Laois CC provides sporting activities and opportunities for children and young people and is committed to safeguarding children and young people. All our volunteers and staff working with children throughout the organisation seek to create a safe environment for children and young people to participate in cricket. Laois Cricket Club’s written Safeguarding Risk Assessment document indicates the…
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Toilet Facilities** The toilet facilities are outside the cricket grounds playing area. These facilities incorporate a male toilet, a female toilet which doubles as a facility for wheelchair users. There is one wash hand basin which is on the outside wall. To access the toilet facilities, you leave the playing area, turn to the right and a short walk in that direction, turn left. This is referred…
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Introducing age and stage appropriate formats to offer more players more opportunities to play the game, including shorter pitch lengths and smaller boundaries. This means more action, more running, more balls in play, less wides, more boundaries, increased skill levels and more importantly more enjoyment.
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All Cricket Ireland-affiliated cricket clubs must adopt this Changing Room Policy or incorporate it into their existing policy according to their facilities. The following provides a guidance for a Changing Room Policy to be developed within the club. These guidelines apply to adults and children sharing changing facilities. Clubs should identify and develop a framework that best suits their…
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TRAINING AND VETTING FOR: LEADERS WHO MANAGE/ SUPERVISE CRICKET ACTIVITIES WITH UNDER 18s, and THOSE WHO HAVE ANY RESPONSIBLE INPUT TO THESE ACTIVITIES. Note: All such persons, eg Coaches; Volunteers who include umpires, drivers, managers etc; Captain /Manager of teams with U18 participating; Licensed officials; Youth committee members; the CCO and DLP , must have Safeguarding 1 Course completed…
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Leaders as per Cricket Ireland include: Coaches; Volunteers who include umpires, drivers etc; Captain/manager; Youth officials. These should familiarise themselves with the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport, and the Cricket Ireland Code of Conduct, and follow procedures if they suspect abuse, or receive complaints of abuse. The following outlines the standard behaviours…
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These Directives are applicable to all competitions played under the ICC Europe and/or ECB Regulations, and they apply to boys and girls. Any reference to he / his should be interpreted to include she / her. Age groups are based on the age of the player on 1 September in the year preceding the competition. It must be noted that the Directives are aimed at an individual’s age as opposed to the age…
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AS PER CRICKET IRELAND CODE OF ETHICS& GOOD PRACTICE, Sport Ireland Safeguarding Guidance for Children & Young People in Sport & Children First, 2nd edition Child Safeguarding: THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS ARE TO BE PUT IN PLACE: As a guide the adult to child ratio u 12 is 1:8, and 1:10 for 12 plus. Two adults should always be in attendance, this is to ensure the safety of the U18 as well as to…
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Purpose Laois Cricket Club is committed to safeguarding and the welfare of children and young players and the club captains, vice captains and committee members share this commitment. The club is committed to developing and implementing policies and procedures to ensure that everyone knows and accepts their responsibility in relation to a duty of care for players under 18. This policy been…
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Adult Membership Please find the form attached. Please return the completed and signed form to relevant authorities in the club. Youth Membership Please find the form attached. Please return the completed and signed form to relevant authorities in the club. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to raise them.
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For the purposes of this document a youth player is under 18 years of age. The advice given is for the safeguarding of both the adult and youth players. CHANGING ROOMS The team captain should ensure that the club has given guidance to parents of youth players on the Club Changing Room Policy. Youth players should be encouraged to arrive changed where possible and parental consent should be given…
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Name The name of this club shall be Laois Cricket Club, hereafter to be referred to as ‘the Club’. Objectives The objectives of the Club shall be to: Affiliation The Club shall be affiliated to the Leinster Cricket Union and thereby to the National Governing Body for cricket in Ireland, Cricket Ireland. Membership The Club will have the following classes of membership: Adult playing members Social…
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Cricket Ireland is committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all our children, so they can train and play in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable in our clubs. If bullying occurs, all children should be able to tell somebody, and know incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. The Anti-Bullying Policy applies to all members…
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Everyone must be aware of the possibility that children with whom they are in contact may be suffering from abuse or neglect. This is an important responsibility for staff and volunteers involved in sports clubs, community activities, youth clubs, religious/faith sector and other organisations catering for children. The guiding principles in regard to reporting child abuse or neglect may be…
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As per section 8 of the LCC Constitution, the following are the Rules of the Club: Rule 1: Membership The rate of memberships and match fees shall be fixed annually at the Annual General Meeting. Annual subscriptions shall be paid before end of May in each year. Half can be paid on the day of the players first game. A playing member whose membership remains unpaid after that date shall be…
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All team communications with a player over 16 years old and Under 18 player shall be by text only, not viber or whats app or similar. Every message shall be sent to both the player and their nominated parent Every message replied to from a received message, the original message shall first be copied into any reply and then the reply typed to both the player and the parent/ Guardian. No player of…
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Introduction The purpose of this document is to help non-medical people to recognise the early signs of concussion and respond in the immediate aftermath of recognising such an injury during a cricket match or practice session. It is not intended as detailed medical advice, but a short, easy to follow
guide for players, coaches and umpires. If you suspect that you or someone in your care has…
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CODE OF CONDUCT FOR YOUNG PEOPLE as per CRICKET IRELAND. Laois Cricket Club wishes to provide the best possible environment for young people involved in our sport. Young people deserve to enjoy cricket safely, free of any type of abuse. They have rights which must be respected and also responsibilities that they must accept. Young People at Laois Cricket Club are entitled to: Be listened to. Be…
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Laois Cricket Club (Laois CC) has adopted this policy to prevent / tackle any potential / current discrimination or other unfair treatment, whether intentional or unintentional, direct or indirect against members or visitors to our club. Statement of commitment. This club is fully committed to the principles of equality and is responsible for ensuring that no member or intending or guest receives…
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Declaration Laois Cricket Club’s policies around the GDPR are designed to be in line with guidelines stipulated by Sport Ireland, Cricket Ireland, Cricket Leinster, the International Cricket Council (ICC) and other relevant sporting authorities and bodies as well as the legislation set down under European and Irish law. Commitment We are committed to the principles inherent in the GDPR and…
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Cricket Ireland wishes to provide the best possible environment for children in our clubs. There is an expectation on parents and their children to adhere to some guidelines to help achieve this. CODE OF CONDUCT FOR PARENTS/GUARDIANS as per CRICKET IRELAND Parents/Guardians should: Respect the rules and procedures set down in the Child Safeguarding Policy of Cricket Ireland Be a role model and…
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We will not take photos or shoot video without the prior permission of the parents/guardians. Under no circumstances will cameras (including on mobile phones) be used in the club changing areas. The children will be informed beforehand, if the club intends to take photos of a match or an event. If pictures are published on the club website or sent to local publications names will not be added to…
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Cricket is a game that owes much of its unique appeal to the fact that it should be played not only within its Laws but also within the Spirit of the Game. Any action which is seen to abuse this spirit causes injury to the game itself. The major responsibility for ensuring the spirit of fair play rests with the captains. There are two Laws which place responsibility for the team's conduct firmly…
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