Changing Room Policy for Children U18


All Cricket Ireland-affiliated cricket clubs must adopt this Changing Room Policy or incorporate it into their existing policy according to their facilities.

The following provides a guidance for a Changing Room Policy to be developed within the club. These guidelines apply to adults and children sharing changing facilities. Clubs should identify and develop a framework that best suits their changing arrangements. For this they should take account of the facilities available, access to those facilities, and the number of children involved.

Best practice principles to be adopted by clubs, wherever possible, are as follows:

  • Mobile phones must not be used in changing rooms at any time.
  • In so far as is possible, children should arrive to all their matches changed into their appropriate clothing.
  • If adults and children need to share a changing facility, the club must have consent from parents that their child(ren) can share a changing room with adults in the club but not at the same time.
  • Adults should allow children to use the changing room to get changed first. When they are finished the adults can then use it.
  • Adults must not change, or shower, at the same time as children when using the same facility as children.
  • Adults should try to change at separate times to children during matches, for example, when children are padding up.
  • If a child needs to return to the changing room, he needs to ask a responsible adult team member to check that the changing room is free (There may be one adult using the room). Then also to make sure an adult does not enter.
  • If an adult needs to return to changing room, they must first check that no individual U18 is using the room.
  • Where children play for open-age teams, they and their parents need to be made aware of the changing room policy of the club Changing Room Policy for Children
  • Mixed gender teams must have access to separate male and female changing rooms OR create a policy on changing at different times. These different changing times will be arranged by the captains on match day.
  • If children are uncomfortable changing or showering at the club, no pressure should be placed on them to do so. Suggest, instead, that they may change and shower at home.