AS PER CRICKET IRELAND CODE OF ETHICS& GOOD PRACTICE, Sport Ireland Safeguarding Guidance for Children & Young People in Sport & Children First, 2nd edition Child Safeguarding: THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS ARE TO BE PUT IN PLACE:
- As a guide the adult to child ratio u 12 is 1:8, and 1:10 for 12 plus.
- Two adults should always be in attendance, this is to ensure the safety of the U18 as well as to protect the adult. Both adults to have completed Safeguarding 1 Course and Garda Vetting. Copies of Identification & Verification Documents to be given to the Club DLP for their records.
- Children and young people are not to be left unattended.
- It is not permissible for the U18 to leave the cricket ground during coaching.
- Ensure that the activity is age appropriate
- Ensure that there is a stocked, in-date first aid kit close at hand.
- Know the phone number of the relevant emergency services.
- Keep a record of any specific medical condition of a participant.
- Ensure the appropriate gear is worn by the children while coaching in progress. Refer to Junior & Youth Playing Formats as in our “Playing overview” Policy and Appendix 4 below which gives direction re bowling.
- Inform Parents/ Guardians of training start and finish times. See Communication Policy.
- Have leaders of both genders with mixed groups.
- When talking to an individual, do so in an open environment.
- Keep attendance records and log in any incident/injury & concerns which may have occurred. This includes taking a statement(s) from a witness(es) and to be done as near to the event in time as possible.
- Inform parent/guardian if their child suffered an injury or had an accident and advise that the incident has been logged.
- Have mobile or emergency number for parent/guardian if required for immediate contact.
- Coaches to remain in pairs on site until all participants collected.
- “Recording Concerns Form “ and “ Accident Reporting Forms” can be printed off from Cricket Ireland website.
Physical Contact
Appropriate physical contact may be required to assist in the development of a skill or activity or for safety reasons e.g. to prevent or treat an injury. This should be in an open environment with the permission and understanding of the participant.
Contact should be determined by the age & developmental stage of the participant.
- Don’t do something that a child can do for themselves.
- Physical contact between adults and children in sport should take place only when necessary to:
- Develop sports skills or techniques.
- Treat an injury.
- Prevent an injury or accident from occurring.
- Meet the requirements of the sport.
- Comfort a distressed child or to celebrate their success
What are the good principles to follow
- Physical contact should take place in the interests of and for the benefit of the child, rather than the adult involved.
- Adults should explain the nature of and reason for the physical contact to the child.
- Unless the situation is an emergency, the adult should ask the child for permission, for example to aid the demonstration a specific sports technique.
- Sports clubs and coaches should provide an induction for new young members and their parents/carers that covers guidance about any physical contact that will be nature of the physical contact should be explained and agreed.
- Children should be encouraged to voice concerns they have if any physical contact makes them feel uncomfortable or threatened.
- Contact should not involve touching genital areas, buttocks, breasts or any other part of the body that might cause a child distress or embarrassment.
- Physical contact should always take place in an open or public environment and not take place in secret or out of sight of others.
- Well intentioned gestures such as putting a hand on the shoulder or arm, can, if repeated regularly, lead to the possibility of questions being raised by observers. As a general principle adults in positions of responsibility should not make gratuitous or unnecessary physical contact with children and young people. Resistance from a child should be respected.
APPENDIX 4 of Cricket Ireland Code of Good Practice Appendix 22
ICC Europe / ECB
Fast Bowling Directives for Practice Sessions
Up to 13........... max:30 balls per session max: 2 sessions per week.
U14, U15...........max: 36 balls per session max: 2 sessions per week.
U16, U17...........max: 36 balls per session max: 3 sessions per week.
U18, U19.......... max: 42 balls per session max: 3 sessions per week
The figures for the match and practice sessions are based on players bowling in no more than 3 matches or practice sessions per week for age groups up to and including U15, and 4 matches or practice sessions per week for age groups up to and including U19. Players can play in other matches provided that they do not bowl.
The emphasis should be on quality rather than quantity. These Directives encourage young fast bowlers to focus their efforts on shorter, more intensive spells. Consequently, young fast bowlers should be made aware of the importance of warming up and warming down as part of their preparation.
In the period between the end of the season and Christmas, indoor practice for fast bowlers should be kept to a minimum. Director of Cricket International Teams Lead Coach Assistant C
All appropriate safety gear to be worn during net practice